So I went online and searched for some images to use as a guide.
So here is Poseidon with his trident and the clamshell-chariot covering his pertinent parts -- the fresco I took my inspiration from had him riding in the buff (ha!) with waves providing camouflage. But I didn't want to take a chance on the water draining away and exposing anything that might scare the youngsters.

I'm not thrilled with the way the fused fabric shows the lines from the seams underneath. Next time, I will be sure to cut away the underneath. It's not as bad as it looks in this photo. Does anyone have any suggestions for making it less noticeable?
And for Beth, the backside.
I'm linking up with Angie's blog -- click here to see other appliqué projects.
Hi Beth, I found you from Applique Thursday. I think this piece looks great! I have had the same issue with seams showing through and it is so frustrating! I don't know a good way to fix it, unfortunately, but I'm hoping someone else will have an idea. I've had a few projects end up like this.
This would be a fix for the *next* project....
What I used to do was cut the piece w/fusible (full size), then cut away all but about 1/4"-3/8" on the edges of the fusible. You're cutting the whole center out. Fuse that, stitch, remove fabric from behind.
Yes it's a nuisance, but it lets the other fabric lay flatter.
I hope this makes a bit of sense.... :-)
Well have you tried putting the piece face down on a nice thick towel and giving it lots of steam? Not sure if it will work but it can't hurt to try....can it?
LOVE the research. :-)
I had to chuckle at the extent of your research - the lengths we go to get it right! LOL
Thank you for the clam shell....grin.
The back looks as nice as the front!!!! Almost a reversible quilt!!! So whats next?
It's a tough job but someone has got to do it! I am really loving seeing the stitching on the back, looks fantastic!
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