As promised, here are some results from my deconstructed screen printing. I have only two screens (but I'll have more soon!), so this is the result of several days of dyeing.

Thanks to the magic of photoshop, this has more contrast in the photo than the actual fabric.
This is one of the first ones that I really like. I discovered that using slightly thinner dye paste to make the print allowed more of the dye to dissolve onto the fabric.
This one is pretty meh -- it has a bit more contrast in real life than here, but it's kind of nice texturally.
The background on this looks blue on my monitor, but it's not. It's really white. I love the dots.
And this one looks kinda pinkish. But it's not. The colors on this are pretty soft. I think I need to use more dye in the paste.
I really like this technique -- it's highly addictive. If the weather would cooperate and warm up, I might get to do more. I did do the last two inside, but I made a mess of the kitchen and cleaning it up and then cooking dinner wasn't a lot of fun. So I think I'll try to do this outside (my neighbors probably love the craft table that is set up on the front porch...).

Thanks to the magic of photoshop, this has more contrast in the photo than the actual fabric.

And this one looks kinda pinkish. But it's not. The colors on this are pretty soft. I think I need to use more dye in the paste.
I really like this technique -- it's highly addictive. If the weather would cooperate and warm up, I might get to do more. I did do the last two inside, but I made a mess of the kitchen and cleaning it up and then cooking dinner wasn't a lot of fun. So I think I'll try to do this outside (my neighbors probably love the craft table that is set up on the front porch...).
OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo! the dots are nice. What was the resist?
You are so funny, your post title....
Yep a good day to dye!
Hey there! I've been blog reading lazy lately...well, doing other things like enjoying Florida, drinking margarita's and dinners out...oh yea, taking care of the new 'baby' too!! Love your screen prints!! Nice work, as usual!!!
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