Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Backside of "Pieceful Tigers"

Because Beth asked, I took a picture of the back.  It's not the best -- I'll try to get a better one after it's hung.

 I pieced together three different fabrics -- all from my stash.  There are two pieces of the tiger  print that was the inspiration for the whole thing.

I took my daughter and her friend to the zoo yesterday and saw a real tiger.

They had these fiberglass animals scattered all over the place that had been painted by local artists and will be sold at a fundraising event this fall for the zoo.  I liked the bear paw blocks painted inside this one.
And of course, we visited the penguins.This one is "greeting" his buddy.  They make the most awful noise just to say "hello."

3 comments: said...

Can't wait to see a better picture. So which animal would you bid on? Did you see one you liked? I can't wait to see the Penguins in Cape Town... someday. Come to visit and I will take you to play with some real tigers, lions and cheetahs...


Barb said...

I just love the zoo, can't wait to get some grandbabies so we can take them.

The back is just wonderful, very suiting for the front.

Karen S said...

Beth! I liked the Rhino best. I'll post a picture of it in my next post -- it had all the animals of Africa painted on it.