Sunday, January 2, 2011

3Creative Studios Giveaway and Cool New Stuff for 2011

The intensely creative minds behind 3 Creative Studios are having a giveaway and some very cool new challenges for 2011.

The giveaway is here and includes some amazing goodies!

The challenges are a journal quilt project with no rules -- my kind of project!  I'm going to do one per month -- 8.5" by 11" and use this to practice or (hopefully) master a new technique each time.

The other is a Color Palette Challenge which I may or may not incorporate with the journal quilt.

These are great challenges and because the rules are so loose -- I can incorporate them into the stuff I was going to do anyway.

 And just for fun -- here is a picture of the latest addition to my family.  Her name is "Repeat."


Terri Stegmiller said...

I know if I had one of those in my household, it probably would become a kitty toy or meal. So what exactly is she?

Thanks Karen for helping us spread the word about our newest 3CS programs/challenges.

Robbie said...

Repeat is so cute!!! Wonderful!