Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Dyeing Part 2 -- I see RED!

I'm pretty pleased with the results of my snow dyeing this time. These are all half yard pieces. I had a bit of trouble rinsing all the red dye out of the fabric -- next time, I'll use less dye.

This one is mostly the boysenberry dye.

Boysenberry and Golden Yellow

Scarlet -- this is one of those premixed colors -- not a pure MX dye. I love the colors that separated out. I did drip a bit of the golden yellow and boysenberry on top of the scarlet.

Scarlet and Royal Blue -- both premixed colors. A tease for tomorrow when I shall post the pictures of the yellows, blues and one that has all the dyes that I mixed that day.

For a close up view, click on the pictures.

2 comments: said...

These are looking so cool!!! I like the red with the added colors best.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Beth- Near Chicago

Judi said...

Those look great can't wait to see the others. I usually only use one color and love the way they seperate but lately I have been experimenting with more then one color.