I finished up the quilting on the four hibiscus series quilts. I will feature them individually in photos after they're bound. I used mostly Aurifil threads -- the 50 weight spools -- for the leaves, flowers and beetle.
I had a lot of trouble with the background quilting. I used some thicker threads and had skipped stitches, broken needles, and nests on the backside. Not to mention the fraying -- arrrrggghhh!
I tried a series of different needles -- some worked better than others -- none was great. The best was the 90/14 topstitch needle. With a bit of silicon dripped over the eye.

But I still had trouble with fraying. And I used threads from both YLI and Superior.
I've used the Superior King Tut a lot for quilting and this spool has been in my stash for a while -- it's not really old, but it's not brand new. I was a bit horrified to see this little glob of fiber when I opened up the top to see what the spool was doing. My LQS was happy to replace it, but they didn't have any in this same color; so it's on order and I just finished up using the rest of this spool... after I cut out the wee glob.
And here are the backsides of two of them. I was sick of shopping in my stash and trying to decide which of my precious fabrics would be ok to "waste" on the back of my quilts. So I went to my local Mega Fabric and Junk Store and purchased a bolt of inexpensive cotton that was a bit thicker than the stuff I use for piecing and my experiments. I used a coupon, so it was pretty cheap. I dyed the whole thing with leftover dyes and wound it back on the cardboard. So now I have some special backing fabric that won't be "wasted" on the back. And all that color hides anything I might want to keep quiet.
I was listening to cindy needham's recommendation on the use of different threads. Just flipping your spool, the way the thread unwinds, can make a huge difference..as well as if you have your thread being unwound on the spindle or use of a thread caddy. So many different things to try! Your pieces still turned out great!!
Threads can be so frustrating, can't they? But the finished quilting looks lovely.
Great idea for backing fabric!!! I like to buy some that hides... too. I have been back 2 weeks today and I still haven't been in that store!!!! been close.... as in passed the door.
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